1-Quick Start

Quick Start


Want to get started in a hurry? Here's what you do. Consider the following areas of seduction:




The ideal situation would be to feel absolutely confident approaching any woman, in any situation, and starting a conversation.




The ideal situation would be to feel completely confident holding and directing a conversation with any woman, and being able to use the conversation to find out about her and to slowly move her emotions around where you want them.




The ideal situation would be to feel completely confident moving a conversation from safer topics to more emotionally rich and personal topics. To feel you can gently push the conversation anywhere you like, without getting nervous. For example, being able to conversationally talk about sexual or emotionally sensitive topics without any anxiety at all.




The ideal situation would be to gauge her interest level and easily suggest exchanging numbers without any fear or worry.




The ideal situation would be to be able to read her emotions and body language, and physically escalate without worry. Being able to slowly lean in for the kiss with zero nervousness or anxiety. To be able to do or try anything physical with her (while allowing her the freedom to say no) without worry or anxiety.




The ideal situation is to be as playful as you want, without worrying about anything. To try new things, experiment with techniques and gain as much seduction experience as you can.


Frame Control


The ideal situation would be to feel absolutely certain that no matter who you talked to, you would be able to control the flow of conversation, and hold fast to your intention regardless of any "frame tests" she might do.


When considering these areas, which area would you like to improve upon? Choose one. Once you've chosen an area, think back to your most recent experience in that area. Choose one event that happened recently, in one of these areas, that didn't go as well as you'd hoped. Take that event, and rewrite it slightly so it did go better. Imagine that you did something differently, and she responded differently. Create a rich visual imagine of the new, improved experienced. Create it as a movie in your mind. Create it so you can watch it play out, from start to finish. Change it so it's perfect. Imagine doing the ideal thing, and getting the ideal outcome, but keep it constrained to one area (Approach, Conversation, Escalation, etc.).


Four Voice Theta


Once you've got that new mental movie created, close your eyes, listen to the 4V Theta version for that particular session, and watch that movie play out, in your mind, over and over. Listen for twenty minutes minimum, or for the entire hour if you can. While listening, focus on the image with as much mental strength as you can. Make it as real as possible. Once you've listened, take a break. If possible, find someplace to go with a lot of people. Simply walk around and notice your feelings with respect to other women.


256 Voice Theta


While falling asleep tonight, (ideally the same day as the 4V Theta session on the same theme) listen to the 256 Voice Theta version of the same session (Approach, Conversation, etc.). Use the same mental image that you used for the previous version.


Next Day


Go about your day as you normally do. Pay close attention to any opportunities to test the results. For example, if you listened to the Approach session, look for any opportunities to approach. Pay attention to how it feels compared to before. Approach only if it feels comfortable and natural. Pay attention to how much more flirtatious you feel. Pay attention to any positive signs from women anywhere.


Rinse and Repeat


Simply repeat this process, over and over. Each day, spend a few moments thinking over the areas of focus. (Approach, Conversation, etc.) Which area would you like to improve? Recall the most recent situation where you had an opportunity in that area (Approach, Conversation, etc.). Come up with a better version of what happened, and use that as your visualization for that day. Every day, the process is simple. Choose an area, choose an event, rewrite the event, focus on that image while listening.


Please refer to the rest of the manual for more information and details on each individual session.

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